First of all I would like to Thank You ! for the support you have given me in terms of nice e-mails and letters. Encouraging me to keep going during the race and congratulating me at the end, even though I didnt finish the race to the end !
I had no idea so many people were following me via the Iditarod website and in a way I want to apologize for not having finished all the way to Nome.. If it was up to me and the dogs, we would have continued towards Nome ! Being at the back of the pack, making mistakes and spending 14 hours in the hills instead of a few costed me dearly. . . Continuing towards Nome without any Iditarod support teams was an option I considered, but let go of that option as 70mile/hour storms were in the sky above the frozen sea.... At least the dogs were still in great health in Shaktoolik, according to the vets and the race judge, and maybe tired, but personally felt great as well.
We also have been lucky many times during the course of the race and being unlucky at times is part of it. I think I must have enjoyed the 14 days on the trail more than anybody and have been thrilled by the extreme good&bad on the trail and by the nature we travelled through.... Not possible to capture the memories and views in pictures or film. . .
The coming days will reply mails, write up a little diary of the past 3 weeks and will make it available online together with some of the pics. .
During the rookie meetings in December we were told this trip/race would be life changing and making it almost 900 mile into it, probably it did for the better...
Thank you again !